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Alternative Worlds: Metaphysical questing and virtual community amongst the Otherkin, by Danielle Kirby (Link to Sydney Studies in Religion Open Journal) – Dr. Danielle Kirby holds a doctorate in the Study of Religion from the University of Queensland, and held the position of Lecturer in Communications at RMIT University 2011-2016. In this piece, she looks at the development of the otherkin community, and different subcategories within the community.

Awakening: When Did I Know I Was Kin? by Galgal – When did I know? When did I Awaken? Why is that question more layered than it initially seems?

Balancing Fingers and Pinions, by Meirya – A personal account of finding the balance between bird and human in daily life, and managing disruptive experiences

Black Mirror Ritual, by Galgal – A simple ritual intended to help someone perceive their otherkin nature

Dragons and Faeries and Elves, Oh My! by Michelle Belanger – Michelle recounts first hearing about, and encountering otherkin, and their thoughts and experiences with the community

Kin-dar : Sensing Other(s) by Bazin – Bazin speaks about their thoughts and experiences with kin-dar, the idea that otherkin can sense each other

Looking at Otherkin from Outside, by DaD – The (human) partner of a dragon kin talks about her boyfriend being kin, and what that means for her and them

Otherkin Mythmatch- Mythic and Literal Identities, by Galgal – When an otherkin says they’re an elf or an angel, how literal do they mean it?

Otherkin Timeline, by Orion Scribner [pdf] – A timeline of the otherkin community from 1972 to 2011

Phantom Limbs – Beyond the Physical, by Galgal – A short look at the experience of phantom limbs as it relates to otherkin

The Invocation of the Seven-Pointed Star, by Michelle Belanger – This ritual was an exploration of otherkin and archetypal faces of them that was performed as the closing ritual for KinVention North 2004

The Touch of Fae, by Meirya – An observer’s look at the glamour of the fae, what it is, how it works, and how to use glamour -fae or not

Witchblood and Faeries: Being a Faerie Witch, by Alise – Balancing religion with being otherkin isn’t always easy, what does it mean when your kintype appears in your religion?









Danielle Kirby






Michelle Belanger


Orion Scribner


